Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Timimi calls to dismiss Basra Police Commander [06/17/2013]

Timimi calls to dismiss Basra Police Commander[06/17/2013]

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP Mansour al-Timimi of the State of Law Coalition called the government to dismiss Basra Police Commander, Maj. Gen. Faisal al-Ebadi on background of the last bombings in the province.

Basra witnessed on last Sunday two car bombs explosions, thus resulted in killing fourteen persons including security official.

Timimi said “We condemn the bombings that hit some Iraqi cities on last Sunday,” describing these terrorist attacks as desperate attempt to push Iraq to the sectarian strife cliff.”

“The Iraqi people will foil all the plots interwoven by the country’s enemies through their awareness to these destructive attempts,” he added calling the government to dismiss the security leaders who failed in performing their duty, especially Basra Police Commander.”