Sunday, September 22, 2024


Urgent – Hameri elected as Diyala Governor for new term

Breaking news... Hameri elected as Diyala Governor for new term

Diyala, Baquba ( The Provincial Council of Diyala province has re-elected Omar al-Hameri as the governor for new term while the council elected, Mohamed Jarmod, as the Council’s Chairman within the region of Diyala National Alliance.A source of Diyala Provincial Council reported to that ”The Provincial Council hold the elections session with the attendance of (19) members out of (29) members where they elected Omar al-Hameri the Governor for new term while Mohamed al-Jarmod, of Ahrar Coalition within the Sadr Trend, was elected as the Chairman for Diyala Provincial Council.””During the session of Diyala PC, Abd al-Khaliq Mohamed, of Iraqiya United Coalition, which is headed by Ayad Allawi was elected as the Deputy Chairman for Diyala PC,” the source addedDiyala Provincial Council held its session to elect the Governor, the Chairman and his deputies while demonstrations were erupted in the province demanding the blocs of Diyala National Alliance to unify their position and the demonstrators refused to form the local government according to political agreements occurred in Baghdad. \END\