Monday, September 23, 2024


Maliki: Iraqi army subject to attacks by Nusra Front at borders with Syria

Maliki: Iraqi army subject to attacks by Nusra Front at borders with Syria

Baghdad ( The General Commander of Armed Forces, the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki revealed on Monday that the Iraqi army forces were subject to attacks from the Nusra Front at the Iraqi-Syrian borders.

Maliki said in a press interview “The deployment of the Iraqi army at the borders with Syria came due to the attacks the army received from Nusra Front forces, denying any relation between taking the deployment decision and the result of the Syrian Qasier city war”

Maliki hoped the Syrian crisis will be peacefully resolved, expressing his fears over the crisis’s serious consequences on Iraq.

Maliki had warned earlier of what he called as sectarian storm and fighting which are sweeping the region, calling to adopt national reconciliation to confront this jeopardy.