Monday, September 23, 2024


U.S. soldier killed in missile attack in Mosul

BAGHDAD / A U.S. soldier was killed on Tuesday in a missile attack on the base in Mosul, the media adviser of the U.S. forces said. “ A U.S. soldier died on Tuesday (March 3) of wounds he sustained from the missile attack on the U.S. base in Mosul,” al-Muqdad Jibreel told news agency. He gave no more details. A police source had said earlier that eight Katyusha rockets hit the U.S. base in southern Mosul on Tuesday. “ The rockets landed on the U.S. base in al-Ghezlani region in southern Mosul,” the source told news agency. Mosul, the capital of Ninewa, is 405 km north of Baghdad. SH (P)/SR 1