Saturday, September 21, 2024


Nusaiyf calls Arab League to prevent Qatar from arming Syrian opposition

Nusaiyf calls Arab League to prevent Qatar from arming Syrian opposition

Baghdad ( MP Aliya Nusaiyf of the Hurra Iraqiya Slate called the parliament to demand the Arab League and the Islamic Conference Organization to pressurize Qatar and prevent it from arming the armed groups in Syria.

She said “The remarks of the Qatari government concerning its intention to arm the extremist groups in Syria is a violation to the international laws and overt call for killing civilians as Qatar knows well that those weapons will be used to kill the Syrian and Iraqis alike.”

“All realize that those armed groups including the Nusra Front are associated with the Qaeda Organization which is the most active fierce armed group in Iraq, and therefore arming these terrorist groups in Syria means arming them in Iraq as well,” Nusaiyf stressed.

She accused “Qatar of disrespecting the international laws especially after the international community agreed on resorting to Geneva Conference to discuss setting peaceful solutions for the carnages against the Syrian people.”