Saturday, September 21, 2024


5 killed, 15 wounded in Iraq in 24 hours

BAGHDAD / Five people were killed and 15 others were wounded in the violent acts that took place throughout Iraq during the last 24 hours, according to security sources. In Mosul, a source from Ninewa province’s police said that three Iraqi army soldiers were killed and 10 persons were wounded Wednesday when a bobby-trapped car went off in western Mosul city. Another security source said that two policemen and a civilian were wounded in a hand grenade explosion on Wednesday in central Mosul. In Sulaimaniya, A child was killed and his parents were wounded when the Iranian artillery shelled a border village in north of the city, the director of the Zarawa district said on Wednesday. In Falluja, police forces killed a gunman and arrested a group of armed men involved in detonating houses of a number of policemen at Garmatal-Falluja district of Anbar, said a security source from the province. MH (P)/ SH 1