Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kuwait appoints senior diplomat at its embassy in Baghdad to follow up prisoners – missing persons file

Kuwait appoints senior diplomat at its embassy in Baghdad to follow up prisoners and missing persons file

( Kuwait decided to appoint a senior diplomat at its embassy to Iraq to follow up the file of the Kuwaiti prisoners and missing persons after the former regime’s invasion to Kuwait in 1990.

The UN Security Council voted on last Thursday, on relieving Iraq from the UN Charter’s seventh Chapter.

The Kuwaiti (Kuna) News Agency reported source at the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry as saying “Considering the file of the Kuwaiti prisoners and missing persons is a purely humane issue, and we wish the Iraqi government will continue its cooperation with Kuwait and the international community to fully settle the pending issues between Iraq and Kuwait.”

“To activate this mechanism, the Kuwaiti FM decided to appoint a leading diplomat in the Iraqi embassy in Baghdad to assist the UN mission in Iraq (UNAMI) to closely follow up this file as well as directly cooperate with Iraq,” the report pointed out./ End/