Monday, September 23, 2024


Regions Committee describes attempt to appeal amendment on Provinces Law as "failed"

Regions Committee describes attempt to appeal amendment on Provinces Law as "failed"

Baghdad ( The parliament Regions & Provinces Committee described the attempt to appeal the recent amendment on the Provinces Law as failed attempt.

The State of Law Coalition headed by the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki had announced that “The Federal Court will appeal the amendment on the Provinces law due to the non-constitutionality of some of its items which contradict with the powers of the central government and grant wide powers to the provinces.”

The deputy head of the parliament committee, Mansour al-Timimi said “Some blocs sought to appeal the amended Provinces Law that was approved by the parliament in a previous session,” noting “Any contestation or objection on the law is considered to be a violation to the local government’s legality and the citizens’ rights and the Iraqi Constitution.”

“These attempts aim at disturbing the elected local governments and the new Governors and to hurdle the progress of the country,” he added describe such attempts as failed and unsuccessful and intended to cover up the failure of the ministries and the previous Provincial Councils.”