Monday, September 23, 2024


Jumaili praises Maliki’s decision to compensate Hawija’s victims

Jumaili praises Maliki\

Baghdad ( MP Wihda al-Jumaili of the Mutahidoun Coalition headed by the parliament Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi described the decision of the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki to form a committee to investigate the number of victims of Hawija carnage and compensate their families as good step.

Mutual security force of SWAT and Iraqi army stormed on 23rd of past April a protest square in Hawija district in search of gunmen who had attacked army checkpoint near the protest square, where clashes erupted which led to dozens of deaths and injuries.

Jumaili said “Hawija carnage necessitates serious attention from the government to compensate those victims, describing the government’s decision to compensate the Hawija’s victims as positive step by the Premier.”

She called to punish the force behind this massacre, upholding the parliament ‘s request to dissolve SWAT forces.