Sunday, September 22, 2024


Motahidon calls Government to determine its stance concerning militias in Diyala

Motahidon calls Government to determine its stance concerning militias in Diyala

Baghdad ( Motahidon Coalition called “The Government to determine its stance concerning the activities launched by the militias in Diyala province.”

A statement by the Coalition received by cited “The recent period witnessed bombings against the innocent citizens of Diyala to displace them by force.”

“The members of the militias covered by the Government displaced hunderds of families in al-Kaf and al-Jimilat villages and al-Askari neighborhood in an organized way,” the statement added.

“These activities aim at hindering the performance of the new Local Government after the recent Provincial Council elections,” the statement continued.

“The Coalition will not remain silent concerning such acitivies to protect our people from the militias,” the statement concluded.