Friday, September 20, 2024


Algeria settles measures to seek amnesty for 10 Algerian prisoners in Iraq

Algeria settles measures to seek amnesty for 10 Algerian prisoners in Iraq

( The Algerian government settled the measures to seek amnesty for ten Algerian prisoners detained in Iraq since 2003.

The spokeswomen of the prisoners’ families, Hakima Wabid, (the wife of Mohamed Wabid, one of the prisoners in Iraq) said “The Foreign Ministry informed a delegation from the prisoners’ families that the government completed the measures required to seek amnesty from Iraq for the Algerian prisoners.”

The Iraqi government demanded the Algerian embassy to Iraq to give provide it with the names of the prisoners to verify their citizenship as Algerians during the visit of the formal Algerian delegation to Iraq in past February in preparation for relocating them in Baghdad Central Prison (Abu Ghraib)