Saturday, September 21, 2024


6 suspects arrested in Maysan [07/20/2013]

6 suspects arrested in Maysan[07/20/2013]

Maysan ( The Checkpoints & External Roads Department’s squads associated with Maysan Police arrested six suspects on different charges.

A statement by the Dept cited “The arrest was done through precise research and making use of the official papers for the people via the device of statements detection at the checkpoints and external roads.”

“The checkpoints managed to capture five suspects on murder charges while another was captured on theft where the arrestees were brought to the specialized investigation authorities,” the statement pointed out.

6 suspects arrested in Maysan

Maysan ( The Checkpoints & External Roads Department’s squads associated with Maysan Police arrested six suspects on different charges.

A statement by the Dept cited “The arrest was done through precise research and making use of the official papers for the people via the device of statements detection at the checkpoints and external roads.”

“The checkpoints managed to capture five suspects on murder charges while another was captured on theft where the arrestees were brought to the specialized investigation authorities,” the statement pointed out.