Monday, September 23, 2024


Iraq confirms reaching mechanism to settle Kuwaiti PoW & missing persons file

Iraq confirms reaching mechanism to settle Kuwaiti PoW & missing persons file

( Iraq forwarded a message to the UN Security Council in which it announced setting a legal mechanism to settle the Prisoners of War and missing persons file with Kuwait.

The UNSC had voted unanimously on transferring the pending issues between Iraq and Kuwait on the prisoners and missing persons file as well as the stolen properties of Kuwait to the UN mission in Iraq under the UN Charter’s 6th Chapter after relieving Iraq from the 7th Ch. in last June.

The Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zibari said in the message he sent to the UNSC on last Wednesday “After the decision of extending UNAMI’s mandate for a year, the two governments of Iraq and Kuwait succeeded in settling all the pending issues including the Kuwaiti missing persons file besides the Archive of the Kuwaiti Government.”

“The two governments could set a legal mechanism as per the UN Charter’s 6th Chapter to continue the search for the missing persons or their remains,” he added.