Sunday, September 22, 2024


ESDO Teams in Kirkuk, Najaf, – Babel making achieving improvements

ESDO Teams in Kirkuk, Najaf, and Babel making achieving improvements

The US Agency for International Development prepared several reports to survey the level of services offered in three province, Kirkuk, Najaf and Babel, and noted that ESDO made difference in this regard.

The USAID mentioned in its Facebook page “The Kirkuk ESDO team conducted three field tests in selected underserved neighborhoods. During the site visits, ESDO team members and community leaders distributed copies of rapid scan surveys to collect responses to public services questions.”

“The services surveyed were related to potable water – both quantity and quality; storm water drainage; and solid waste collection. Taqadum will assist the Kirkuk ESDO team analyze the completed surveys and develop reports for each field test,” it added.

“The newly established Najaf ESDO conducted its first field test in the underserved neighborhood of Al-Askari. A contingent of 23 members from the team assessed the status of water, sewage, and solid waste collection services in these two districts and submit it to the PPDC for planning considerations,” according to (USAID Iraq).