Monday, September 30, 2024


Nijaifi’s Alliance: Not holding session of Anbar PC, political decision


Baghdad ( MP, Waleed al-Mohamadi, of Motahidoun Alliance described not holding the session of Anbar Provincial Council as “A political decision.”

In a press statement received by, he said “Imposing the curfew in Anbar province after accepting the nomination of Anbar Governor and his deputies by all the political sides, approves the disbelief of some political sides in democracy,” noting that “The session could be held in another place if Anbar PC is really to be targeted.”

“Anbar Operations Command has no idea about the curfew where involving the security forces in the political conflict is unacceptable,” he added.

“The new alliance among the eighth blocs is coherent and such attempts will not hinder nominating the new governor,” he concluded.