Sunday, September 22, 2024


Duhuk needs $13.5m to face drought

DUHUK / The chairman of the Higher Committee for Drought in Duhuk on Sunday said that a request will be made to the Kurdistan Regional Government Kurdistan RegionG) seeking $13.5 million U.S. dollars to face drought in the province. “Reports made by specialized committees on the dangers of drought, which were discussed during a workshop on Sunday, have revealed the need to provide the committees with 15 billion Iraqi dinars so they can better perform their work,” Nizar Mohammed Saleem told news agency. A number of experts and representatives of the ministries of health, agriculture and environment participated in the workshop, Saleem noted. A total of 54 artesian wells should be drilled in the province in order to face the effects of drought, Saleem added. Duhuk, the capital city of Duhuk province, lies 460 km north of Baghdad. SS (P) 1