Monday, September 30, 2024


Sunni Endowment Dept in Anbar, Abu Risha discuss current problems

Sunni Endowment Dept in Anbar, Abu Risha discuss current problems

Baghdad ( A delegation from the Sunni Endowment Department in Anbar discussed with Iraq Sahwa Council’s Head, Ahmed Abu Risha, the problems the province are suffering.

A statement by the Sunni Endowment cited on Monday “The delegation of the Sunni Endowment in Anbar accompanied by a number of orators and notable clergymen visited Abu Risha on past August, 29 where they tackled several issues pertaining to the local government and the problems the province are facing.”

Abu Risha stressed the important role that should be played by the Sunni Endowment Dept in Anbar and the clergymen in the current juncture,” according to the statement.