Monday, September 23, 2024


Urgent – Maliki instructs to prevent Shabander from releasing statements for SLC

Breaking News ...Maliki instructs to prevent Shabander from releasing statements for SLC

Baghdad ( The head of the State of Law Coalition the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, instructed to prevent MP, Izzat al-Shabander, of the SLC from releasing the statements related to the SLC due to launching negative statements against the religious authority.

MP, Hanan al-Fatlawi, of the SLC stated to Iraqi News ( “Maliki ordered to prevent Shabander from releasing the statements related to the SLC due to his statements against the religious authority.”

“Shabander’s statements do not represent the Iraqi National Alliance or the SLC as well as Maliki, but they are personal and we condemn them and he has to adhere to the policy and instructions of the SLC and respect the religious authority.”

Earlier, Shabander stated in a press conference on Monday “The religious authority is trying to take the power from the State by agitating the feelings of the citizens.”