Monday, September 23, 2024


UNAMI urges all side to act responsibly concerning relocating residents of Camp Ashraf

UNAMI urges all side to act responsibly concerning relocating residents of Camp Ashraf

Baghdad ( The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) has confirmed in a statement on Saturday that it has been informed that the Government of Iraq has served an order to relocate the remaining residents of Camp Ashraf to Camp Hurriya in Iraq.

A statement by UNAMI received by cited “The United Nations believe that the Iraqi Government will move to enforce this order without delay.”

The statement quoted the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Iraq, Mr. Gyorgy Busztin, as saying “We strongly hope all parties will act responsibly and that the process of relocation to Camp Hurriya will be peaceful and voluntary.”

“The UN Envoy repeatedly urged both sides to act responsibly and to show restraint to prevent any violence during the relocation process. “The United Nations has made tireless efforts to facilitate an agreement between the two sides, and went every extra mile for peaceful relocation,” Mr. Busztin added.

“The UN stands ready to monitor the process, should an agreement be reached between all parties involved to relocate voluntarily to Camp Hurriya,” Mr. Busztin concluded.