Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Kurdistan Region grants lands for martyrs families

Kurdistan Region grants lands for martyrs families

Erbil ( The Kurdistan Regional Government decided to grant pieces of land for the martyrs’ families who did not take advantage of the lands granting privileges.

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan website quoted the Vice-President of Kurdistan Regional Government, Emad Ahmed, as saying in a speech he delivered during the ceremony of distributing of (1900) pieces of land for families of martyrs in Sulaimaniya city ”The martyrs represent the symbol of resistance and steadfastness for the people of Kurdistan Region and the ideal for the Government since their sacrifices contributed in building Kurdistan Region as it is now.”

”The achievements in Kurdistan Region are the results of martyrs’ struggle which were the price of development and freedom and thus we owe their families to provide them honorable living within good living conditions,” the statement concluded.