Monday, September 23, 2024


UN announces successful relocation of Camp Ashraf residents to Camp Hurriya

Camp Ashraf - Iraq
Baghdad ( The Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Gyorgy Busztin, announced that the last group of Camp Ashraf residents has successfully relocated to Camp Hurriya, pending their resettlement outside Iraq.

A statement by the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) quoted Busztin, as saying “The process has come a long way since its launch in February 2012, with the government and the residents both abiding by the agreement between the UN and the Government of Iraq on the transfer of Camp Ashraf residents to the temporary transit location of Camp Hurriya.”

“The tragic events of 1st September, when 52 residents lost their lives in a terrorist attack, while seven others are still unaccounted for, was a somber reminder of the necessity to conclude the final phase of the relocation process without further delay,” he acknowledged, noting that “Resettlement outside Iraq is now the priority, and it is urgent that countries ready to host the residents come forward to accept them, providing them a safe future outside Iraq.”

Busztin also called on the Iraqi government to “Abide by its commitment to ensure maximum safety and security for Camp Hurriya residents until all of them leave the country.”