Saturday, September 21, 2024


Taghyeer bloc calls to consider issue of nominating new President for Iraq

Taghyeer bloc calls to consider issue of nominating new President for Iraq
Baghdad ( Taghyeer Political bloc, which is chaired by Nashirwan Mustafa, called for nominating a new President of Iraq if the President, Jalal Talabani, proved to be incapable to perform his duties as the President of the State due to his health condition.

MP, Mohamed Kayani, of Taghyeer Bloc stated to ”The Parliament should determinate this issue,” noting that “Since the President should be from Kurdish political entity then the Parliament should nominate a Kurdish figure as a substitute.”

”The senior posts of the State should be balanced among political blocs, specially when we know that the Premier and the Vice-President are affiliated to the same political bloc.” Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani, underwent medical treatment since nine months ago after suffering a stroke and he was transported to a hospital in Germany.