Friday, September 20, 2024


Fatlawi accuses Sadrist MP of financial corruption

Fatlawi accuses Sadrist MP of financial corruption
Baghdad ( MP, Hanan al-Fatlawi, the head of Members of MPs’ Affairs Committee accused MP, Jawad al-Shiheli, the member within Integrity Parliamentary Commission of Sadrist Trend, of comitting a fraud to get more than IQD (15) millions under pretext of medical treatment.

Fatlawi sent a letter to the Integrity Commission received by on Sunday ”While we were auditing the hospital bill, that was presented by Shiheli from Baghdad Private Sector Hospital, we discovered that the MP obtained IQD (15) million through fraud where the hospital informed us that this MP was not admitted to the hospital and it did not issue any bill for him.’

”’Fatlawi demanded the Integrity Commission, the Speaker of the Parliament and the First Deputy Parliament Speaker to conduct the legal procedures against Shiheli,” she concluded.