Saturday, September 21, 2024


Motahidoun to Mulla: Nijaifi amends Article 9 of Honor Document

Motahidoun to Mulla: Nijaifi amends Article 9 of Honor Document

Baghdad ( Motahidoun Alliance headed by the parliament Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi, showed surprise over the claim of MP, Haider al-Mulla, that the Dialogue Front has amended Article (9) of the Honor Document.

A statement by Motahidoun Alliance received by cited “The amendment was by Nijaifi when Mulla was in Dubai and releasing his statements that reject the participation in signing the Honor Document,” noting that “Motahidoun insists on adding the suitable points to the Honor Document and amend some of its articles in spite of the absence of the Dialogue Front from the participation in signing it.”

“Motahidoun is supporting all the deals and initiatives that reduce the tensions, considering it as a national duty that must not be ignored or left in spite of the justifications,” the statement added.

“We will not pay more attention to the claims of the Dialogue Front because they are not important and we will follow up implementing the articles of the Honor Documents to achieve its goals,” the statement concluded.