Sunday, September 22, 2024


Jitheer to lead Najaf FC next season

Jitheer to lead Najaf FC next season

Baghdad ( The Administrative Board of Najaf Football Club nominated the coach Qahtan Jitheer to lead its team for next season.

The head of the Administrative Board of Najaf FC, Sabah al-Karawi, stated to Iraqi News Saturday “Negotiations continued for several days to finally agree with Qahtan Jitheer to lead the football team of Najaf FC next season.”

He added “Coach Jitheer showed a lot of cooperation and readiness to lead Najaf FC and wishes to leave a thumb print with the team,” noting that “The administration of the team supports Jitheer in his new task through contracting with professional players from Iraq and abroad to consolidate the team.”

“The team will have a training camp in Najaf province to realize the capacities of the players before starting the next football league,” Karawi mentioned.

Jitheer has distinguished training experience with Sina’a FC last season.
