Saturday, September 21, 2024


Zebari meets some Arab, foreign officials

Zebari meets some Arab, foreign officials

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Baghdad ( Iraq’s Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, discussed with Ban Ki-Moon the Secretary-General of the UN, the bilateral relations between Iraq and UN.

The Information Office of the Ministry received by on Sunday reported that “Hoshyar Zebari met on Saturday evening with Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of the UN in New York,” noting that “The two sides reviewed Iraq’s relations with the UN Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) in supporting Iraq”, the statement pointed out.

the statement mentioned that “They also discussed the need for of UN to obligate its commitments toward Iraq according to the Memorandum of Understanding concluded between Iraq-UN on resettlement Camp Liberty residents in a third country after Iraq fulfilled its obligations under this note”.

“Zebari has also discussed with his German counterpart Guido Westerwelle at UN headquarters in New York, with Westerwelle,” indicating “both sides reviewed during the meeting the bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to promote them, in addition to the political situation regionally,” the statement added, pointing out “Also, the two sides discussed the possibility of resettling a number of Camp Liberty residents in Germany.”

“Zebari met the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem where they reviewed the Security Council resolution which was issued on 27 September, on disarmament chemical arms in Syria.”

“They discussed the ongoing preparations for convening the Geneva Conference (2),” the statement concluded.