Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Biden for Khuzai: “Iraq can mediate between Iran, US”

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Follow-Up- ( The Iraqi Vice-President Khudhayer al-Khuzai assured that “The US Vice-President Joe Biden informed us that Iraq can do the role of a mediator between the US and Iran about the nuclear Iranian file.”

Khuzai has met Biden and the Iranian President Hasan Ruhani separately during the meetings of the UN held in New York.

Khuzai said in a press statement “Biden confirmed that the US is serious about dialogue with Iran and Iraq can play the role of the mediator in this case.”

“Iraq supports negotiations between Iran and the US since the war between both countries will effect Iraq negatively in the first place because 95 % of the Iraqi oil exports go through the Arab Gulf which will be closed and this leads to damaging the Iraqi economy,” according to Khuzai.