Saturday, September 21, 2024


Election candidate wounded by IED

NINEWA / An al-Hadbaa National List candidate for the provincial elections was wounded when a sticky improvised explosive device (IED) targeted his car in southern Mosul city, a police source said on Sunday. “An explosive charge stuck to the car of Talab Muhsin Abbo, the principal of al-Hikma Preparatory School, detonated today in al-Ghazlani area, southern Mosul,” the source told Al-Hadbaa National List is headed by Athil al-Nujaifi, a brother of Osama al-Nujaifi, a member of the Iraqi National List (INL). Mosul lies 405 km north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. Several candidates running for provincial council seats in Iraq were assassinated. According to the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC), over 15 million voters from 14 out of Iraq’s 18 provinces participated in the elections, which took place on January 31. SS (P) 1