Saturday, October 5, 2024


Iraqiya Slate MP denies Allawi visit over Iraq – regional issues. Claims visit for medical reasons.

Allawi visits US for medical reasons, says Damluji

Baghdad ( MP Maysoun al-Damluji of the Iraqiya Slate denied indirectly the reports over the visit of the head of the IS Ayad Allawi to the US in return for an official invitation to discuss the situation in Iraq and the region, saying that “Allawi’s visit to the US is to have medical surgery in the knee.”

Damluji’s statement came to refute a report published by quoting a reliable source as saying that “Allawi is visiting the US in response to an official invitation from the US Vice-President Joe Biden who also invited the Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament Usama al-Nijaifi and the President of Kurdistan Region Masoud Barzani to discuss the situation in Iraq and the region.”

MP Damluji mentioned in a statement received by that “Allawi is in the US now to undergo a surgery in the knee which was injured due to an assassination attempt he suffered at the reign of the former regime.”