Monday, September 23, 2024


Iraqi soldier, gunman killed in Mosul

NINEWA / An Iraqi army soldier was killed by unknown gunmen in eastern Mosul, while a gunman was killed by police forces in the southern part of the city, a security source said. “ Unknown gunmen opened fire on an Iraqi army checkpoint in al-Muharibeen neighborhoods in eastern Mosul, killing a solider, and fled to unknown place,” the source told news agency. “ Policemen killed a gunman while attacking a police vehicle patrol using hand grenades in al-Mansour neighborhood in southern Mosul,” the same source said. “ The gunman threw a hand grenade at the patrol and while attempting to throw the second bomb the policemen shot and killed him,” he explained. Mosul, the capital of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. SH (P)/SR 1