Friday, September 20, 2024


MP Criticizes inability of Government to protect Iraqis

MP Criticizes inability of Government to protect Iraqis

Baghdad ( MP, Salim al-Jabouri, of Motahidon Coalition, and the Head of Human Rights Parliamentary Committee, denounced the series of terrorist blasts that occurred in Baghdad on Sunday.Jabouri stated to ”The repeated bombings proved the inability of the Iraqi Government in preserving the lives of innocent Iraqi people, which is the simplest right that should be granted for Iraqis.””The International Organizations emphasized their concerns regarding the continuous mass massacres that are being committed against Iraqi people and the Government became in a very serious situation so that it can not justify its failure any more since it might suffer international penal procedures due to the Charter related to lack in protecting its citizens,” he added.A series of terrorist blasts hit several areas of Baghdad on Sunday that resulted in killing and wounding many innocent people. \END\