Friday, September 20, 2024


Al-Maliki seeks second term – MP

BAGHDAD / MP from the Kurdistan Islamic Union, Sami al-Atroushi, on Friday expressed belief that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki prepares himself for a second term in office, asserting that the victory of his list in the local elections will affect the next parliamentary elections. “The sweeping victory of al-Maliki’s list will affect the future of the political process in Iraq in the coming years even in next parliamentary elections,” al-Atroushi told news agency. “The premier seems to be preparing himself for a second term in office and I believe he will succeed if he continued his programs, succeeded in solving problems with Kurdistan region, implementing the security pact with the U.S. and providing citizens with services,” he added. “Al-Maliki will establish alliances with the winning lists,” he also said. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Dawlat al-Qanoon (State of Law) coalition dominated the results of the local council elections in nine out of 14 Iraqi provinces, according to Iraq’s Independent High Electoral Commission. “Dawlat al-Qanoon garnered 38% of the votes in Baghdad, 37% in Basra, 23.1% in Thi-Qar, 23.1% in al-Qadissiya, 15.3% in Wassit, 16.2% in Najaf, 17.7% in Missan, 10.9% in Muthanna and 12.5% in Babel,” the IHEC said in a statement announcing the results of the provincial council elections on Thursday (Feb. 5). SH (S) 1