Monday, September 23, 2024


UNESCO launches new report over managing Drought in Iraq

UNESCO launches new report over managing Drought in Iraq
Baghdad ( The United Nations’ Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), announced today the launching of the Analysis Report “Integrated Drought Risk Management – National Framework for Iraq” produced by UNESCO’s Iraq Office under the Drought Risk Management (DRM) Project.

A statement by UNAMI received by cited “During the previous months, UNESCO and UNAMI’s Joint Analysis Unit assessed the information gathered and analyzed investigating the severity, trend and impact of drought on key sectors and societal groups, in order to support the formulation of an integrated programme to manage drought risks in Iraq. Based on available meteorological data, the study introduced the “Standard Precipitation Index (SPI)”, as the first drought index indicator applied to Iraq. This new indicator will help experts identify drought patterns across the country, allowing them to predict and monitor future drought episodes and to classify the most vulnerable areas.”

The statement quoted the head of UNESCO’s Natural Sciences Sector in Iraq, Dr. Andreas H. L