Monday, September 30, 2024


Thousands of citizens of Anbar, Salah il-Din joined security forces, says Bayati

Thousands of citizens of Anbar, Salah il-Din joined security forces, says Bayati

Baghdad ( The member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, Abbas al-Bayati, announced that thousands of the citizens of Anbar and Salah il-Din provinces joined the security forces to fight al-Qaeda Terrorist Organization and al-Nasra Front.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “The provinces that witnessed the demonstrations are stable now where the citizens do not demonstrate like before and the Governor of Anbar province was authorized to negotiate with them.”

Regarding the increase of the security breaches in these provinces, he added “Targeting Anbar and Mosul by al-Qaeda and al-Nasra Front shows that they do not distinguish between the sects or religions.”

“We will support forming the Sahwa forces and thousands of them will join the security forces,” he concluded.