Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Kurdistani Democratic Party nominates Prime Minister Nechirvan for 3rd term

Nechirvan  nominated for third term

Erbil ( The Leadership Council of the Kurdistani Democratic Party, agreed unanimously to nominate the Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani for a third term within Kurdistan Regional Government.
Fadhel Rauf, member of the Leadership Council reported in a statement that was reported by the media office of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan ”The Leadership Council held a meeting on Wednesday chaired by the Head of the Democratic Party, Masud Barzani, and the members agreed to nominate Nechirvan Barzani to be the Premier within Kurdistan Region.’

”’The Kurdistani Democratic Party formed a senior delegation chaired by Nechirvan to discuss over the formation of the Kurdistan Regional Government,” the statement concluded.