Friday, September 20, 2024


UNSG condemns attack targeting pilgrims

BAGHDAD / United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned the suicide bombing that targeted Shiite pilgrims in Babel province and left 30 persons killed and 40 others wounded. “These acts cannot be justified by any political or religious cause and must be condemned in the strongest possible terms,” Ban said in a statement published on Friday on the official web site of the UN New Centre. “The Secretary-General joins with the people of Iraq in rejecting these cruel and reprehensible attempts to reignite sectarian violence in the country,” according to the statement. “Mr. Ban called on Iraqi leaders to work together in a spirit of national dialogue and mutual respect as demonstrated during the peaceful provincial elections held last month,” it added. On Friday (Feb.13), a female suicide bomber blew herself up in al-Iskandriya area, northern Hilla, killing and wounding dozens of pilgrims performing al-Arbaeen visit. The Arbaeen pilgrimage, which falls on Monday (Feb. 16) is a religious occasion marking the 40 th day after the death of Imam al-Hussein, the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson and the third holiest figure for Shiite Muslims, in the battle of Taf in Karbala in the Hijri year 61 (680 in the Gregorian calendar). Scores of pilgrims from inside and outside Iraq have started the long trek on foot for the Arbaeen pilgrimage. Tight security measures have been in force and a large number of security personnel have been deployed in Iraq’s holy sites in preparation for the occasion. Karbala, said to be housing the tombs of Imam al-Hussein and his brother Imam al-Abbas, lies 130 km south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. SS (S) 1