Sunday, September 22, 2024


Mulla calls Iraqi Council of Ministers to expedite 2014 budget law to parliament

Mulla calls CoM to expedite sending 2014 budget law to parliament
Baghdad ( MP, Haider al-Mulla, of the National Dialogue Front, called the Council of Ministers to expedite sending the 2014 budget to the parliament and finish the financial statements of 2013.

In a press statement received by, he said “The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, always attributes his failure to the parliament by accusing it of hindering the endorsement of the law drafts where he wants to escape from responsibility.”

“The CoM hinders any attempt to develop the economic and service situation by delaying the endorsement of 2014 budget and finishing the financial statements of 2013.”

He called “Maliki to expedite sending the budget with the financial statements to the parliament to achieve the general interest.”