Friday, September 20, 2024


Dawa official pledges to crack down on corruption in Diwaniya

DIWANIYA / An official of the Dawa Party in Diwaniya pledged on Sunday to launch a campaign against the administrative corruption “running rampant” in the province, even if the corrupt were “Dawa members.” “The Dawa Party in Diwaniya is preparing to set up an anti-corruption agency for administrative reform that will be given wide-scale powers to fight administrative and financial corruption running rampant in the majority of institutions in the province,” Fadel Mawat told news agency. “We will be focusing on the health, agriculture and social security sectors because these are the most corrupt of all departments in the province,” he said. The city of Diwaniya lies 180 km south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P)/SR 2