Tuesday, September 24, 2024


MP urges citizens to update their electoral records

MP urges citizens to update their electoral records

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Saleem al-Jouburi, of Motahidoun Alliance urged the citizens to update their electoral records through the centers specified by the Independent High Electoral Commission.

In a press statement received by IraqiNews.com, he assured “Updating the names is the first step of the participation in the elections and practicing the legal and national right of voting.”

“It is also a step to vote for the right person and changing the miserable situation that the Iraqis live in addition to eliminate the corrupted officials from making the decisions once again,” he added.

He appreciated “The role of the IHEC in facilitating the procedures of updating the records,” calling it “To hold wider campaign to make the citizens aware of the importance of updating their records.”