Sunday, September 22, 2024


Maliki reveals receiving proposals to rebuild Baghdad in modern way

Maliki reveals receiving proposals to rebuild Baghdad in modern way

Baghdad ( The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, announced receiving proposals by some international companies over rebuilding Baghdad in a modern way.

While attending the submission of the ownership documents of the National Initiative for Housing in Basra, Maliki said “There are some proposals by international companies to rebuild Baghdad in a modern way where it is a good idea,” wishing “These companies to rebuild Basra province because it suffered a lot form the former regime.”

“It is normal to talk about the National Initiative for Housing because we do not want any Iraqi without a house because Iraq possess the potentials and the natural resources,” he added, assuring that “The Iraqis live in difficult situations and we must stop insulting them.”

“We will go on distributing the ownership documents on the citizens as we did in Baghdad where we call the big companies to compete over constructing the specified plots for the citizens to ensure housing them as soon as possible,” he concluded.