Friday, September 20, 2024


PUK calls for maintaining Kurds’ unityPUK calls for maintaining Kurds’ unity

BAGHDAD / The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, led by Iraq’s President Jalal Talabani, on Thursday called to maintain the Kurds’ unity, mainly through the main powers in the Kurdistan region. “The PUK reiterates calls for maintaining the Kurds’ unity and this will not happen by repeating political slogans but we should support it through enhancing democracy and activating the role played by the government and the parliament as well as the civil society organizations,” the PUK political bureau said in a statement received by news agency. “Enhancing unity also requires improving services ; water, electricity, fuel and transportation and the health system, education and fighting corruption and bureaucracy,” it added. The PUK is one of two main parties in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. The other one, led by Massoud Barazani, the president of the autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region, is the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). SH (P)/SR 2