Friday, September 20, 2024


Steinmeier says Germany respects achievements realized in Iraq

BAGHDAD / German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told the president of the Kurdish Autonomous Region of Iraq, Massoud Barzani, that Germany respects the achievements realized in Iraq, according to the UPI on Wednesday. Massoud Barzani met on Wednesday with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier during a visit to Berlin. The discussion focused on bilateral relations between the two regions. A spokesman for the German Foreign Ministry, Jens Ploetner, said they spoke in particular about strengthening economic ties between Germany and the Kurdish region, as well as the significant ‘potential for cultural cooperation.’ Barzani’s 3-day trip to Germany also included a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as well as discussions with the Economics Ministry and other industry contacts. The Kurdish president was invited to Germany by the country’s Economics Ministry, after a visit to Iraq by Steinmeier two weeks previously. At the time, Steinmeier inaugurated a German consulate in the city of Arbil, in the Kurdish Autonomous Region to the north of the country. Barzani and Steinmeier also spoke about relations with Iran and Syria. SH (S)/SR 1