Wednesday, September 25, 2024


MP demands to resolve MoHR

MP demands to resolve MoHR

Baghdad ( Member of the Iraqi National Alliance, Fuzi Akram, of the Turkmen entity demanded the Government to cancel the Ministry of Human Rights and the Human Rights Commission since they are useless and ineffective regarding the violent events that are taking place in Tuz Khormato district.Speaking to, he said ”On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, I demand the Government to resolve what is so called the Ministry of Human Rights and the Human Rights Commission since they are helpless towards what happens in Tuz Khormato district which witnesses genocide and sectarian assassinations.””The Ministry and the Commission are consuming a lot of the State’s Budget and in return they give absolutely nothing where their basic task should be to grant the Iraqi people the right in a honorable life since the Iraqi Constitution granted them this right,” he added.Tuz Khormato district, which is mostly dominated by Turkmen community, underwent many terrorist operations and the people of the afflicted district blame the Federal Government and Qaeda organization for these terrorist attacks. \END\