Sunday, September 22, 2024


Maliki : political rivals delay progress in medical field in Iraq

Maliki : political rivals delay progress in medical field in Iraq

Baghdad ( The Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, accused some sides within the Ministry of Health of delaying the establishment of new hospitals due to political interests.Maliki stated in a speech that he delivered at the Iraqi Medical Competencies Conference, which was organized by the Directorate of Medicine Educational City, that ”The Iraqi efficient figures still have great opportunities to work and run the new hospitals since there are about (17) hospital will be inaugurated soon to accommodate the Iraqi medical cadre.””Iraq is well-known by its medical competencies but the medical field suffered neglect for a long time during Sadam regime, where he did not any hospital since 1982, though we should not launch accusations and stop progressing in this important field,” he added.”Maliki assured thousands of Iraqi medicine students will be send for the best universities abroad, calling the migrant physicians to back to Iraq,” the statement concluded. \END\