Saturday, September 21, 2024


Al-Mufti says parliamentary elections to be postponed

ARBIL / Speaker of Iraq’s Kurdistan parliament, Adnan al-Mufti, on Tuesday said that the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) could postpone the parliamentary elections in the region, scheduled in May, for one or two months because of the suggested amendments on the elections law have not been completed. Speaking at a press conference at the parliament’s building, the speaker said “The IHEC could postpone the elections and we are in contact with it, despite it said it needs to three months since as of the day it received the elections law.” “Presenting the law will be delayed because of the required amendments and the demands made by ten lawmakers to adopt the open list system in the elections,” he said. “The Kurdish presidency presented several objections on the elections law in the region and suggested to give Kurds abroad the right to vote,” he continued. SH (P)/SR 1