Saturday, September 21, 2024


Nusayif urges execution of Al-Qaeda forces in battle field rather than arresting them

Nusayif calls to execute ISIL elements in battle field rather than arresting them

Baghdad ( MP, Aliya Nusayif, of the Hurra Iraqiya bloc called to immediately execute the Al-Qaeda elements of what is so called, The Islamic State in Iraq and Levant without arresting them in order to avoid the calls of their countries to have over them.

She stated in a press statement received by “The security forces, while fighting the ISIL and Qaeda elements of western Anbar, must immediately execute them in the battle field rather than sending them to prisons in order to avoid pressurizing Iraq by their countries to have over them or to release them under the justification of the violation of the human rights.”

“Each Iraqi soldier must be aware that each terrorist escape will kill dozens of the innocent Iraqis by the car bombs, whereas executing his will save dozens of the innocents,” she added.

“The politicians defending the murderers must stop it to show respect to the martyrs and the orphans where the politicians are requested either to ally with the Iraqi people or the terrorists,” she concluded.