Monday, September 23, 2024


United Nations urges political engagement to settle tension in Anbar

Baghdad ( The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Mr. Nickolay Mladenov, today expressed his concern about the situation in Anbar Province and called for restraint and political engagement.

In a statement by UNAMI received by Iraqi News quoted Mladenov as saying “I am concerned about the current developments in Anbar and call on all to remain calm and to abide by the agreements reached in the course of the last two days.

“Political disputes must be resolved through dialogue and through an inclusive political process that allows all components to feel engaged in building the democratic future of the country,” he stressed.
“The government has a Constitutional responsibility to protect all citizens from terrorism, while observing the rights of ordinary Iraqi citizens, providing for their humanitarian needs, and showing maximum restraint in the use of force,” he added.

“I call on all political leaders to abide by their commitments, including the ‘The National Honor Code’, and to immediately come together to discuss the serious challenges facing the country. As Iraq prepares for elections next year, all parties and coalitions should put forward their platforms for the future and remain fully engaged in the democratic political process,” he continued.

“The United Nations will continue to work with the Government and the people of Iraq to support democratic developments and stands ready to assist in facilitating dialogue,” Mladenov concluded.