Tuesday, September 24, 2024


MP Marabi calls to expedite endorsing General Budget

MP Marabi calls to expedite endorsing General Budget

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP Hussein al-Marabi of the Iraqi National Alliance called the Chairmanship of the Parliament to hold exceptional sessions for the Parliament to endorse as many as possible of the important law drafts such as the General Budget law draft.

Marabi stated to IraqiNews.com “The current term of the parliament was characterized by the many vacations so I call the Chairmanship of the Parliament to reduce its vacations to be able to endorse the rest of the important law drafts.”

“Among the important law drafts is the 2014 general budget law draft which is still at the tables of the Council of Ministers,” he added, noting that “This budget is the largest in the history of Iraq which needs detailed discussions that might extend to months and this needs exceptional work of the members of the Parliament to expedite the endorsement of the budget law draft.”

The Religious Authority has called earlier the Parliament to expedite endsorsment of the important law drafts.