Friday, September 20, 2024


Falluja train station opened

ANBAR / Monday’s inauguration of the Falluja train station is the first step in a plan to overhaul the railway line in the province of al-Anbar, a senior transport official said. “The station will initially serve travelers pending plans to carry cargo in the near the future,” Amer Hadi, the director of the railways department in the city, told news agency. The Falluja train station was opened earlier today (Feb. 9) in the presence of members of the local council and the city police chief as the first train arrived from Baghdad. “Five train cars were received by the station,” Hadi said, adding stations in the province will be reopened after rejuvenation works are finished. Falluja, the largest city of the predominantly Sunni province of al-Anbar, lies 45 km west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P)/SR 1