Tuesday, September 24, 2024


SLC MP calls on parliamentary committees to deal with Kurdistan Region

SLC MP calls to parliamentary committees to activate roles over violations of Kurdistan Region

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Sameera al-Mousawi, of Mostaqiloun bloc within the State of Law Coalition called the Parliamentary Energy, Integrity, Finance, Economy, Investment and Legal Committees to activate their role to preserve the public funds.

In a press statement received by IraqiNews.com, she said “The specialized parliamentary committees within the Iraqi parliament are requested to preserve the wealth of the Iraqi people and activate their observatory role and hold the historical and moral responsibility.”

“Kurdistan Region is a part of Iraq and takes some of its budget which makes it to respect the Federal Government and its way in dealing with the wealth of Iraq and must stop violating the oil wealth that is for all Iraqis,” she concluded.